4TFM Blog
Your #1 free resource Doulas and Parents for pregnancy and postpartum

Birth Ball 30 - Your In-Home Workout!
It’s here! You asked us to make a video and here it is!! Read on for more info!

5 Business Tips for New Doulas
You just got certified and are now ready to set up your Doula Biz. Here are 5 tips to help you get started off on the right foot! Read this before you meet with your first client!

Thinking about hiring a doula? Here's the How and Why of Doula Care
There are so many thinks to think about now that you are pregnant. One of them is pregnancy and labor support. Read on for tips about doulas and how to find the right match for you. Sign up for your free How to Hire a Doula Guide

You just had a baby? Oh, just do kegels, right?
You just had a baby, so just do Kegels, right? ummm… that depends. Let’s talk about recovery for the early postpartum period and how best to get started back to fitness.

How to open the pelvis for labor and birth
Fetal Position. Station. Inlet. Outlet. Vertex. Breech…What do they all mean? They all have one thing in common: Birth. Read on to find out more about how to facilitate the progression of labor by learning a simple concept about the inlet and the outlet of the pelvis.

New Mother's Thumb: Ouch! My Wrist Hurts!
About 50% of new moms experience pain in the thumb side of their wrist. This is often from the way they hold their hand when nursing or picking up their baby. New Mother’s Thumb, or de Quervain’s, can be painful but their are non surgical things that you can try first.

Preventing Hip Injuries in Birth
This is one for moms, doulas, and all birth workers!
Does your hip hurt after you pushed your baby out? Did someone “help” you by pushing your legs back for you? OR! If you are getting ready to have your baby, this may be the source of your pain!

How to Freeze your Breast Milk
A common question for new moms is “how do I freeze my milk?” For 4 easy steps and a tip about Haakaa’s… Read on!

Stroll Her Strong™ | Total Body Burnout
If you have 30 mins, a band and just your body weight, you’ll have a kicker of a Stroll Her Strong™ workout for you to get that total body burnout!

Your Butt is Winking...huh???
Does your pelvis tuck under when you squat? Did you know this is called Butt Winking and is often due to tight hamstrings or glutes. Check this blog out for solutions.

Stroll Her Strong™ Full Body Burn
Get your 30 mins full body workout with 8 moves just perfect for moms and strollers!

Home Birth Hack: Birth Stool
Doulas and Midwives are pretty clever. Here is a Hack from a recent home birth I attended. My client needed a birth stool and I grabbed a few items and put one together.