Stroll Her Strong™ | Total Body Burnout


This workout can be done in the format of 1 minute of work with a 15 second rest in-between

Complete 3 rounds plus your 5 minute warm up and that gets you to ACOG’s recommendation of 30+ mins for the day.

Of course, you may do as many rounds as you please. You have the option of doing all rounds at one time or to break it up through the day. Remember to work to your own pace and ability. Some days will be tough and other days you will feel like you can conquer the world! Both are GOOD DAYS to workout!


  1. Push with 2 hands on the stroller. This does 2 things: it keeps your body aligned and it keeps your baby safe in the stroller.

  2. Always buckle baby in securely!

  3. It’s recommended that your baby is 6-8 months old before you run with the stroller. It’s also recommended that you are about 6 months postpartum before you begin running.

  4. Always use the stroller brake when stopped or for stationary exercises.

  5. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate… and Hydrate. Especially, in the summer!

  6. You might want to use one of the stroller fans for your baby if it is hot outside!

  7. Listen to your body. If you don’t feel well or feel dizzy, sit down and hydrate. Only continue if you feel ready.


Start with a warm up segment of about 5 mins of power walking just to get that blood flowing!


  1. Squat and Row with Band

You can wrap your band around a locked stroller or a sturdy pole.

Start standing in neutral posture with arms straight out in front of you, shoulder-width apart.

  1. Inhale, keep weight in heels, feet, and hips in line as you keep your weight in your heels and lower your hips back and down at the same time into a squat. Keep your arms straight in front of you.

  2. Exhale, engage your pelvic floor and activate your deep core as you press through your heels, hamstrings and glutes to stand and row the band straight back to your hips.

2. Chest Press with Band


Wrap band around a sturdy object behind you, right at shoulder height.

Be sure to stand tall in neutral posture.

Keep arms in goal post position pointing forward—wrist in line with elbows, elbows in line with shoulders.

  1. Exhale, engage your pelvic floor, activate your deep core as you press the band straight out in front of you, using your chest.

  2. Inhale, return to goal post position.

3. Alternating Single Leg Hip Hinge with Heel Drive

Start standing in neutral posture with arms straight and both hands on stroller.

  1. Inhale, hinge forward at hips, lifting one leg straight back behind you as you push your stroller straight out in front of you.. Be sure to keep hips square to ground.

  2. Exhale, engage your pelvic floor, activate your deep core, press through your heel hamstring and glute to stand as you pull stroller back towards you.

  3. Inhale, lower leg to ground.

  4. Exhale, drive same heel behind you with straight leg again.

  5. Continue alternating sides

4. Toe Touch Crunch

Laying on back on your mat, lift legs straight. To modify, you may also bend knees.

  1. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, and activate deep core lift upper back off ground while reaching towards feet with one hand.

  2. Inhale, allow upper back to move to mat with control.

  3. Exhale, repeat while reaching towards toes with opposite hand.

  4. Continue alternating with reaching hand.

5. Side-Stepping Squat

Start standing in neutral posture.

If you have stroller, be sure that your arm is straight while holding onto stroller handle and be sure you are PULLING stroller rather than pushing (see below for Stroller Tip!

  1. Inhale as you step to the side with your outside foot and lower down into squat.

  2. Exhale as you engage your pelvic floor, activate your deep core, and press through your heels, hamstrings and glutes and bring your inside foot to meet your outside foot in the standing position.

  3. Continue for 1 minute in same direction.

  4. Repeat in opposite direction.

6. Tricep Extension

Standing in a staggered stance.

Keeping a neutral head, neutral shoulders, and neutral pelvis.

Band can be placed under foot or can be held by opposite hand behind back.

  1. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, activate deep core as you press band above head.

  2. Keep your elbow in line with your shoulder.

  3. Inhale as you return to starting point with control.

  4. Continue for 1 minute.

  5. Repeat on opposite arm.

7. Side Step Up with Leg Lift

Start standing in neutral posture next to a sturdy step. You can hug baby close to chest for added weight!

  1. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, and activate deep core as you step inside foot onto step next to you. Press through heel, hamstring and glute as you stand with soft knee and lift outside leg to side.

  2. Inhale as you bring outside leg down with control and step back to starting position.

  3. Continue for 1 minute on same leg.

  4. Repeat on opposite leg,

8. Mountain Climbers


Choose your plank modification!

  • Hands on ground or on stroller (BE SURE TO LOCK STROLLER)

  • Plank on knees or on toes

  1. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, and activate deep core as you march right knee towards chest.

  2. Inhale return to plank position.

  3. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, and activate deep core as you repeat on opposite side.

  4. Maintain neutral posture as you continue to move through repetitions.

This gives you 30 minutes of work!

Don’t forget to stretch or check our YouTube channel to find a stretch that suits you.

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Stroll Her Strong™ | Lower and Upper Body Burnout