4TFM Blog
Your #1 free resource Doulas and Parents for pregnancy and postpartum

Delayed Cord Clamping
Have you heard about Delayed Cord Clamping (DCC)? You may be wondering what the big deal is. After all, the baby is born… so, let’s cut that cord! But wait just a minute.. or maybe even three minutes! There is increasing evidence to support the trend of delaying the cutting of the cord immediately after birth and here is why…

How to Freeze your Breast Milk
A common question for new moms is “how do I freeze my milk?” For 4 easy steps and a tip about Haakaa’s… Read on!

First 10 Days of Your Postpartum Journey: Tips and a Journal for You
There’s a lot to remember in those first days of your postpartum journey. These tips, videos, and a handy download will help you keep things straight!