4TFM Blog
Your #1 free resource Doulas and Parents for pregnancy and postpartum

Partner Support: 5 benefits of “Anchoring” during labor
Anchoring during labor involves providing physical, emotional, or mental support to help the birthing person stay focused, calm, and grounded. The birth partner plays a crucial role in this process. This blog shares five benefits of anchoring during labor and why doulas should teach this concept to their birth clients.

Birth Ball 30 - Your In-Home Workout!
It’s here! You asked us to make a video and here it is!! Read on for more info!

Everything you ever wanted to know about Peanut balls and more!
Here are a few ways to use the peanut ball in labor to fascinate labor progression and comfort in labor. If you are a doula or having a baby, you should read this blog!

What is a Biophysical Profile test in pregnancy?
It’s not uncommon to go over your due date but did you know to expect extra testing to keep track of your baby’s health? Have you had a BPP? Do you know why you might have one? Read on!

Do I have to have a cervical exam in labor?
Did you have a cervical exam in labor? Does it have to be done? Do I have a choice? Read on for some reason why you might or might not choose to have a cervical…

My water broke! Now what?
Did your water just break? Or was that urine? Now what do you do? Do you need to go straight to the hospital? Should you call your care provider? Read on for more info…

How to open the pelvis for labor and birth
Fetal Position. Station. Inlet. Outlet. Vertex. Breech…What do they all mean? They all have one thing in common: Birth. Read on to find out more about how to facilitate the progression of labor by learning a simple concept about the inlet and the outlet of the pelvis.

New Mother's Thumb: Ouch! My Wrist Hurts!
About 50% of new moms experience pain in the thumb side of their wrist. This is often from the way they hold their hand when nursing or picking up their baby. New Mother’s Thumb, or de Quervain’s, can be painful but their are non surgical things that you can try first.

5 Things for Pubic Joint Pain
Ouch! Do you struggle with that pain in the pubic joint during pregnancy or know someone who does? Here are 5 things that may be of help to them.

The Poop Scoop
What’s your poop trying to tell about you? Check out more about the Bristol Scale, color, size, constipation, diarrhea and all that jazz.

Got the Shakes?
What the heck? Did you shake like crazy after the birth of your baby? Here are a few tips for you…

Why do I Doula?
Did you have a doula? Do you feel that your doula enhanced your birth experience? Do you think that every birth can be sacred and intimate no matter what the course of labor and birth is?

Placenta Tour - Just The Basics
If you are at all squeamish, this might not be the blog post for you. But for the “Placenta Curious”, this is your place to learn! There are two sides to every story and the placenta is no different.

Delving into the World of Perineal Tearing
“I just remember my care provider saying the degree of tear...But none of this was really EXPLAINED to me”. Did you have a 3rd or 4 th degree tear during your birth? Guest Blogger, Anne Homan delves deeper into this topic.