Got the Shakes?
Wow! The Labor shakes are crazy, right?
Did you experience this? About 40% of women do. Sometimes, they are slight and sometimes, they are so violent that you feel as if your body is going to jump off the bed! So crazy!! And why do some women get them and then other’s don’t? And, why the heck would sticking your tongue out stop the shakes!!!
Sticking your tongue out during labor shakes will often help stop the shaking!
There seem to be a few times during labor that, as a birth worker, I most likely see this shaking happen: around the 5-6 cm mark, during transition, and immediately after birth. What do they all have in common? Hormones!!
This may happen to women after either vaginal and cesarean birth. Sometimes, your family may think that you are cold and so want to cover you up with warm blankets. That can be very comforting - and, so may help - but that isn’t the reason why you shake!! (However - if you are in the OR for a cesarean birth, it can be cold in there!! So, you may be getting that double whammy of hormonal shifts and cold OR and so a warm blanket does really feel good.)
Why do we shake?
Well, the top reasons are that HUGE hormonal rush that occurs and body temperature changes. When your body experiences any huge change, you get this incredible surge of adrenaline. After birth, you also have fluid shifts and temperature changes. Hormones, temperature changes, fluid shifts…Put all of that together and you have a recipe for the labor shakes.
The good news is that the shakes usually last no longer than 30 mins but may last up to an hour.
What can you do to stop them?
But try these things for comfort:
stick out your tongue
place baby on your chest - breathe in your new baby smells
slow your breathing down to calm yourself after the incredible thrill of birthing your baby
warm blankets may feel soothing
drink fluids
know that this is a NORMAL physiological event and that you are safe and that the shakes will subside.
Why does this work?
I gotta be honest. I don’t know why this helps, but I am searching!! Hey! If YOU know why, do share in the comments!!