Why do I Doula?
Why do I Doula?
Here is what I believe and know to be true for me:
Birth is sacred... Birth is intimate...Indeed, as intimate as the act that got you here. Birth should be honored and protected. I believe that is part of what I do as a your Doula. I honor your Birth Sanctuary, I protect your Birth Focus, I guide your Birth Companion, I watch over your unborn babe...
I love that my mini doula’s shirt says, “Make Waves”. Yes, Momma. Make Waves! photo cred: Beloved Bits
Okay - I know what your thinking…
A Birth Sanctuary? Why, yes! Of course! Why shouldn't birth be peaceful, calm, and beautiful...As well as exuberant, thrilling, and vibrant! This is the most exquisite experience of your life. Babies are born, mothers are made, partners and fathers step forward. Oh! Savor these moments. They may be fleeting but these moments of your birth are never forgotten. These are stories that will be told time and again to your little one. What do you want that story to be?
A partner’s ongoing support is crucial, especially when labor is long or there are surprises, like an unexpected induction, along the way. photo cred: 4TFM
One of the things that I feel very strongly about is that, no matter what happens in birth, much of my role is to guide and help parents to be thoughtful and educated in their decisions, so that at the end of the journey - no matter via vaginal birth or cesarean birth - they KNOW that they made the best of decisions along the way. That they feel proud and fulfilled in their experience. So much of parenting is navigating these rivers of choices and then, so very often, needing to manage detours as long the way. Plan A becomes Plan B becomes Plan C becomes...
When a surprise set of twins showed up on Ultrasound, this family’s original Plan A made for some changes along the way photo cred: 4TFM
So, no matter the course of your labor and birth - Home birth, Hospital Induction, Cesarean Birth - This I know to be true
Birth is sacred... Birth is intimate...Indeed, as intimate as the act that got you here. Birth should be honored and protected. I believe that is part of what I do as a your Doula. I honor your Birth Sanctuary, I protect your Birth Focus, I guide your Birth Companion, I watch over your unborn babe (or babes!).
Did you have a doula? Did you feel that your doula enhanced your birth experience - even if your original birth plans changed? Are YOU a doula? If you are considering hiring a doula, feel free to read this blog for tips and ask for your free download on “How to Hire a Doula Guide”.