4TFM Blog
Your #1 free resource Doulas and Parents for pregnancy and postpartum

Teaching Tips: Birth Balls for Squatting in Labor
Hey Doula-Sis - We talk a lot about Work Smarter, Not Harder and that goes for labor, too. Using a Birth Ball to support your client’s body in a squat is really useful. Did you know that How and When you squat in labor matters? It’s true! Read on to learn more.

Birth Ball 30 - Your In-Home Workout!
It’s here! You asked us to make a video and here it is!! Read on for more info!

The Purple Line of Labor progression: Myth or Magic?
Updated 10.14.2022 As a doula, I do not do internal cervical exams. EVER. But there are a lot of “tools” in my toolbox to help me have a good guesstimate of how far along a client is progressed in her labor. One of them is The Purple Line. Do you believe me? Is it Myth? Or Magic?

Do I have to have a cervical exam in labor?
Did you have a cervical exam in labor? Does it have to be done? Do I have a choice? Read on for some reason why you might or might not choose to have a cervical…

My water broke! Now what?
Did your water just break? Or was that urine? Now what do you do? Do you need to go straight to the hospital? Should you call your care provider? Read on for more info…

Got the Shakes?
What the heck? Did you shake like crazy after the birth of your baby? Here are a few tips for you…

Vocalizing in Labor - Which vowel is best for birth?
Did you know that there is a connection between your vocal cords and your pelvic floor? The pitch of your labor sounds can make a huge difference on the energy direction of your birth. Read on for more on this!