Vocalizing in Labor - Which vowel is best for birth?
Did you know that there is a connection between vocalization in labor and your pelvic floor?
vocalization matters and changes the length of the pelvic Floor
Try this: Say and Feel what happens when you say:
High pitched sounds, such as “eeeee”, have the effect of contracting and raising the pelvic floor. You may notice that when you try it, you feel your throat tighten a bit and your shoulders scrunch up near to your ears! And you just feel tense all over? Well, that’s because you are tense! All of that tight energy is spiraling UP.
That’s exactly the opposite of what we want for a laboring woman!
Now try saying “oooooooouuuuu…” and feel what happens. Your face softens, your throats relaxes, your shoulders lower down, you may even feel a hum or vibration in your chest. But along with that, your pelvic floor responds by relaxing, lengthening, and lowering allowing baby to descend deep into the birth canal for easier birthing.
Tips for Doulas and Birth Partners:
When I am working with my doula clients, I will say, “match my tone” and then I meet HER vocal tone right where she is — and then together, we vocalize down the scale to the low, vibrating tones of “oooohhhhh” or “hmmmmmmmm”. I may even gently touch her chest to say, “feel the vibration deep down in your chest.”
I hope that this is helpful! For more doula tips and new parenting tips, check the blog frequently!
Happy Humming and Speedy Delivery!