Tips to blow up your birth ball

You bought your Ball! Hurrah!

And now, you just realized that you have to blow the darn thing up! oh rats…That is such a pain. But we have a tip for you!

Everyone hates blowing up those balls… I get it… And, because I can't very well take 8 hours with a foot-pump to inflate 30 balls up for a conference session, I FINALLY figured out a much faster way. BUY AN ELECTRIC PUMP! Duh!!

The pump that I like can be purchased here and it’s small enough that I actually travel with TWO of them. (Between those pumps, 30 balls, a couple of pelvises (or is that Pelvi? anyway…) and a baby doll or two, I get some funny looks at TSA when I travel but that’s another story.) Anyway… I grab a friend and get them to help me because… 30 balls can take awhile, even with an electric pump, even with two of us! Plus when you add in that you really need to inflate over two days at least… I came up with this tip. I hope it helps you!

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Happy Inflating!! And now that your ball is inflated, you can start doing some of the exercises found here to get ready for your labor and birth!

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