3 tips to get your doula biz started
I often get asked about what doula work. What training to take, how to get started and become successful as a doula.
Here is the truth of the matter…
Do a training - ANY training. Get Certified and then DO THE THING.
Not having a bunch of doula clients is NOT the training’s fault. It’s not your trainer’s fault. It’s not the training organization’s fault. It’s not the area that you live in. Truly. No training gets you clients.
YOU have to Hustle to get started. YOU get yourself clients.
Take a look at this graphic. Do these 3 action items RIGHT NOW.
If you don’t know these people, then get to know who they are. They aren’t going to find you. You have to let them know that you exist. Offer to take them to lunch. Stop by their office and drop off cookies and business cards (don’t necessarily expect them to stop work and meet you but let them know you are coming).
Dress professionally. Be polite. Smile. Stand up straight. Shake their hand. No, I am not kidding. Thank them for their time and let them know how you can help THEM or their patients.
You have 7 seconds to get a thumbs up or a thumbs down. SEVEN.
NEXT, Know that this is hard physical and emotional work. There are days your heart and body are breaking and there are days of total elation. You might be at a labor for DAYS ( as in also nights…). Have the self-awareness to know if this work is good for your mental health.
Surround yourself with an excellent team of other doulas that will speak the truth, be your best cheerleader and back you up when needed. Honor the work you each do financially and verbally. These doulas are your foundation.
This work always keeps you guessing. Just when you think you know…You realize how much more there is to learn. Always keep learning. Always add to your services. You have to stand out from the masses. Choose additional avenues of revenue that bring in new clients to your business. We think our 4TFM certifications are just exactly what you need.
These doulas teach Birth Ball Basics and gain new doula clients from their classes
Doula work is the best job I have ever had (though catching babies was a close second). I adore it and I am pretty sure that you will, too. You learn so much at every birth. About other people. About yourself - if you allow it to teach you.
If you are interested in doula work, then give it a good go but put your whole self into it so that it’s worth it.
And by “worth it” I mean so that you can make a living wage more doing this work. It’s entirely possible to support yourself and your family. But, you’ve got to get out there and HUSTLE!