Stroll Her Strong™ | Legs, Arms, and Core Galore


Check out these 8 moves for a full body, booty kickin’ workout. Do each for 1 minute with a 15 second rest.

Complete 3 rounds in addition to your 5 minute warm up and that gets you to ACOG’s recommendation of 30+ mins for the day.

Of course, you may do as many rounds as you please. You have the option of doing all rounds at one time or to break it up through the day. Remember to work to your own pace and ability. Some days will be tough and other days you will feel like you can conquer the world! Both are GOOD DAYS to workout!


  1. Push with 2 hands on the stroller. This does 2 things: it keeps your body aligned and it keeps your baby safe in the stroller.

  2. Always buckle baby in securely!

  3. It’s recommended that your baby is 6-8 months old before you run with the stroller. It’s also recommended that you are about 6 months postpartum before you begin running.

  4. Always use the stroller brake when stopped or for stationary exercises.

  5. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate… and Hydrate. Especially, in the summer!

  6. You might want to use one of the stroller fans for your baby if it is hot outside!

  7. Listen to your body. If you don’t feel well or feel dizzy, sit down and hydrate. Only continue if you feel ready.


Start with a warm up segment of about 5 mins of power walking just to get that blood flowing!

  1. Alternating Lunge with Upper Body Rotation

The key here is to keep your head and chest up and to push the stroller with straight arms. Think of your normal cues for lunges:

1. Keep your head and chest upright. Think of standing tall!

2. Inhale as you step into the lunge. Take care that the front knee doesn't go past the foot. Think of lunging as bending the back leg rather than the front and you’ll be fine!

3. Exhale, engage your pelvic floor, and activate deep core as you rotate your upper body.

4. Inhale as you turn back to face forward.

5. Exhale, engage your pelvic floor, and activate your deep core and medial glutei as you press your back toes and front heel to stand.

6. Repeat on opposite side.

Did you know that the medial glutei ( those muscles on the upper outer part of your butt and hips are responsible for hip stability?) Use that to your advantage. You’ll feel stronger if you engage those glutes as you stand up out of the lunge. Also, don’t forget your pelvic floor. She is working - or did work so hard - during pregnancy and birth and using your ideal cue (maybe that is the elevator or jelly fish or whatever you think of when you lift up down there!) will help you not pee or feel like your organs are falling out!

Make sure that you are alternating your lead legs!

2. Bent Over Row

Keep slight bend in knees, take hips back, keep weight in heels (with insteps slight lifted), and hinge at hip joint.

Be sure to keep head, shoulders, and pelvis in line.

Hold baby under upper back and under legs. Using a weighted option or a band is also a great option!

  1. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, and activate deep core as you row baby up to chest.

  2. Inhale to lower baby.

  3. Repeat!

3. Mountain Climbers

Choose your plank modification!

  • Hands on ground or on stroller (BE SURE TO LOCK STROLLER)

  • Plank on knees or on toes

  1. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, and activate deep core as you march right knee towards chest.

  2. Inhale return to plank position.

  3. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, and activate deep core as you repeat on opposite side.

  4. Maintain neutral posture as you continue to move through repetitions.

4. Standing Chest Press with Band

Wrap band around a sturdy object behind you, right at shoulder height.

Be sure to stand tall in neutral posture.

Keep arms in goal post position pointing forward—wrist in line with elbows, elbows in line with shoulders.

  1. Exhale, engage your pelvic floor, activate your deep core as you press the band straight out in front of you, using your chest.

  2. Inhale, return to goal post position.

5. Squat Jump

Modification option—squat WITHOUT jump (feet hip width apart and feet in line with hips and knees) .

Option to hold onto stroller, or to squat without stoller.

Be sure to LOCK Stroller and to keep arms straight and head and chest up! Start standing in neutral posture.

  1. Inhale to jump feet out and lower into squat. Keep feet and knees in line.

  2. Exhale, engage pelvic floor and activate deep core as you jump back up, bring your feet back to original standing position.

6. Shoulder Press

Start standing in neutral posture.

You also have the option of a staggered stance with your feet.

Option to hold baby under armpits as long as baby has good head support. You may also use weighted object or bands!

  1. Exhale, engage your pelvic floor and activate your deep core as you press baby overhead. Be sure keep shoulders tucked back and down.

  2. Inhale, lower baby back down.

7. Butterfly Crunch

Laying on back with legs in butterfly position.

Option to have feet on the ground or on stroller. Be sure to LOCK stroller.

  1. Exhale, engage pelvic floor, activate deep core as you crunch up.

  2. Inhale lower back down

9. Tricep Dip with One Leg Lifted

Be sure to think of head reaching tall and keep shoulders tucked back and down.

Option to have anchored leg straight out or bent. Be sure to keep anchored foot flexed!

  1. Inhale lower down into tricep dip. Elbows go straight back.

  2. Exhale, engage pelvic floor and activate deep core as you press arms straight.

  3. Complete 10 reps with one leg lifted.

  4. Repeat with opposite leg lifted.

This gives you 30 minutes of work!

Don’t forget to stretch or check our YouTube channel to find a stretch that suits you.

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