5 Birth Ball Exercises to get Stronger During your Pregnancy
5 daily moves from our Birth Ball Basics Clinic to prepare you for your labor and birth!
Birth Ball 30 - Your In-Home Workout!
It’s here! You asked us to make a video and here it is!! Read on for more info!
Do I have to have a cervical exam in labor?
Did you have a cervical exam in labor? Does it have to be done? Do I have a choice? Read on for some reason why you might or might not choose to have a cervical…
Preventing Hip Injuries in Birth
This is one for moms, doulas, and all birth workers!
Does your hip hurt after you pushed your baby out? Did someone “help” you by pushing your legs back for you? OR! If you are getting ready to have your baby, this may be the source of your pain!
10 Tips for Doulas and Birth Partners
10 tips for Doulas and Birth Partners to shine and provide better support.