Birth Ball 30 - Your In-Home Workout!
It’s here! You asked us to make a video and here it is!! Read on for more info!
Everything you ever wanted to know about Peanut balls and more!
Here are a few ways to use the peanut ball in labor to fascinate labor progression and comfort in labor. If you are a doula or having a baby, you should read this blog!
Thinking about hiring a doula? Here's the How and Why of Doula Care
There are so many thinks to think about now that you are pregnant. One of them is pregnancy and labor support. Read on for tips about doulas and how to find the right match for you. Sign up for your free How to Hire a Doula Guide
What is a Biophysical Profile test in pregnancy?
It’s not uncommon to go over your due date but did you know to expect extra testing to keep track of your baby’s health? Have you had a BPP? Do you know why you might have one? Read on!
The Purple Line of Labor progression: Myth or Magic?
Updated 10.14.2022 As a doula, I do not do internal cervical exams. EVER. But there are a lot of “tools” in my toolbox to help me have a good guesstimate of how far along a client is progressed in her labor. One of them is The Purple Line. Do you believe me? Is it Myth? Or Magic?
Do I have to have a cervical exam in labor?
Did you have a cervical exam in labor? Does it have to be done? Do I have a choice? Read on for some reason why you might or might not choose to have a cervical…
My water broke! Now what?
Did your water just break? Or was that urine? Now what do you do? Do you need to go straight to the hospital? Should you call your care provider? Read on for more info…
How to open the pelvis for labor and birth
Fetal Position. Station. Inlet. Outlet. Vertex. Breech…What do they all mean? They all have one thing in common: Birth. Read on to find out more about how to facilitate the progression of labor by learning a simple concept about the inlet and the outlet of the pelvis.
Preventing Hip Injuries in Birth
This is one for moms, doulas, and all birth workers!
Does your hip hurt after you pushed your baby out? Did someone “help” you by pushing your legs back for you? OR! If you are getting ready to have your baby, this may be the source of your pain!
Delayed Cord Clamping
Have you heard about Delayed Cord Clamping (DCC)? You may be wondering what the big deal is. After all, the baby is born… so, let’s cut that cord! But wait just a minute.. or maybe even three minutes! There is increasing evidence to support the trend of delaying the cutting of the cord immediately after birth and here is why…
10 Tips for Doulas and Birth Partners
10 tips for Doulas and Birth Partners to shine and provide better support.